Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Brand : Alpine


Alpine BD717JA. Made for Honda as the Gathers VXH-071MCVi. i = Internavi Premium Club
Alpine BD717JO is the Gathers VXH-071MCV, the same features but lacking the Internavi Premium Club features. msrp 262,500

DVD, MD, CD, memory stick, music rack. Connect to a mobile phone for clearer calls through speakers with two-way talk and mute function

  • 7.0 inch wide touch panel monitor (QVGA)
  • HDD navigation (30GB), FM-VICS
  • DVD video (DVD-R/RW), CD (CD-R/RW, MP3, WMA), MD (MDLP)
  • Memory stick (MP3/WMA), music rack (4x speed recording, number of recorded songs: approx. 2,5
  • 00 songs)
  • TV terrestrial digital tuner compatible, AM/FM, EQ, MX*9, CSD*10, TCR*11,
  • 45W x 4
  • Rear camera compatible, corner camera compatible, ETC interlocking,
  • Rear seat monitor output, VTR code compatible, hands-free TEL compatible (standard/PDC,
  • Humphrey TEL code for either FOMA or cdmaOne method is included)

Content adapted from: Honda Announcement Page Honda Access Press Release 05-2006

Name VXH-071MCVi
Manufacturer Alpine
Released 2006/05
Device type auto
Recorder Player
NetMD No
Hi-MD No
Radio Yes
Dimensions 2-Din W 180 × H 100 × D 149mm
Weight 3400
Battery notes
Sidecar (depr)
Voltage 12
Power cable
Price (launch)
¥294 000
Inputs CD

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi

Alpine VXH-071MCVi relate