Denon DN-80R

Brand : Denon

Portable MD recorder designed for ENG applications. It can be used in 148 minute mono as well as 74 minute stereo mode. A standard video camera battery NP-23dx will provide up to 148 minutes of operation. Connections include an RS-232C serial port with a switchable baud rate for use with ACD-19 control software. This allows editing from a laptop PC. Other features: Mic att. 0/-30dB switchable, Monitor speaker, 40 second memory buffer.

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Name DN-80R
Manufacturer Denon
Released 1996/11
Device type pro
Recorder Recorder
NetMD No
Hi-MD No
Radio No
Dimensions 222 x 85 x 272 mm
Weight 2.8kg (3.5kg w/ batt)
Battery notes
Sidecar (depr)
Power cable
Price (launch) $4 500
Inputs XLR in, Digital optical (TOSLINK), Digital coaxial
Outputs RCA out, Digital optical (TOSLINK), Digital coaxial
Control RS-232 serial

Denon DN-80R relate