Kenwood DM-SA7

Brand : Kenwood


Accessory to the Avino SA-7 and Avino SA-9 system's. Included by default in the Avino SA-5MD system for 108,000 yen.

One-touch editing function that allows easy recording from DP-SA7 to MD.

Title input that can be entered in alphanumeric, numbers, symbols, and katakana.

Interestingly, this model was part of a sweepstakes. Those who purchased this device, was entered in to win a DMC-G3.

Content adapted from: Kenwood Product Release Page Kenwood Press Release

Name DM-SA7
Manufacturer Kenwood
Released 1996/09
Device type deck
NetMD No
Hi-MD No
Radio No
Dimensions 200x75x250mm
Weight 2.1kg
ATRAC ver 3
Power cable AC
Price (launch)
¥60 000
Inputs RCA in
Outputs RCA out

Kenwood DM-SA7 relate