Kenwood DMC-K5

Brand : Kenwood

MD Jacket size.

Equipped with 40 seconds memory Super DASC.

Approximately 11 hours playtime with the rechargeable battery.

Comes in Blue (L), Silver (S), Orange (D), and Black (B).

Release date is an estimate, based on the earliest archived page from Kenwood.

Content adapted from: Kenwood Press Release Kenwood Release Page Kenwood Press Release DMC-K5(B) - Black model. Released November 2

Name DMC-K5
Manufacturer Kenwood
Released 1998/09
Device type portable
Recorder Player
NetMD No
Hi-MD No
Radio No
Dimensions 74.7x16.3x82.8mm
Weight 132g
Battery notes
Sidecar (depr)
Voltage 5
Power cable Center positive
Price (launch)
¥36 000
Inputs 3.5mm line in (optical multi)

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5

Kenwood DMC-K5 relate