Kenwood SJ-7MS

Brand : Kenwood


AKA RMD-SJ7MS. Kenwood proclaims that this is the worlds first high end model equipped with MG Memory Stick support. Similar to the SJ-5WM, however this is a NetMD device that was bundled with Kenwood's version of SonicStage, Mulia.

It has not been confirmed yet if this device is supported on either Web Minidisc, or Platinum MD.

Music recording on MG Memory Stick, which previously required a PC, can be achieved with a single button. It is possible to easily record all songs on a CD or any one song on an MG Memory Stick with the touch of a button. It is also possible to record from a CD to an MG Memory Stick and MD at the same time.

  • Supports CD-R / RW.
  • MDLP compatible.
  • 2x CD to MD recording
  • Kanji display / input support
  • Equipped with sampling rate converter
  • Built-in timer (programs 1 and 2 / sleep)
  • Supports MP3 and WMA files as well as ID3 and WMA tags.

Content adapted from: Kenwood News Release Page Kenwood Product Page

Name SJ-7MS
Manufacturer Kenwood
Released 2001/11
Device type bookshelf
Recorder Recorder
NetMD Yes
Hi-MD No
Radio Yes
Dimensions 240x136x328mm
Weight 4.8kg
Battery notes
Sidecar (depr)
Voltage 100
Power cable AC
Price (launch)
¥70 000
Inputs 3.5mm line in (analog-only), RCA in, Digital optical (TOSLINK), CD
Outputs RCA out
Control USB Type-B, MemoryStick

Kenwood SJ-7MS

Kenwood SJ-7MS

Kenwood SJ-7MS

Kenwood SJ-7MS

Kenwood SJ-7MS

Kenwood SJ-7MS

Kenwood SJ-7MS

Kenwood SJ-7MS

Kenwood SJ-7MS

Kenwood SJ-7MS

Kenwood SJ-7MS

Kenwood SJ-7MS relate