Sony Qualia 017

Brand : Sony


“Q017-MD1” Incorrectly listed as a netMD capable device on the site, the Qualia 017 is actually a playback only device. Machined from a solid block of brass, it has a very distinctive design.

A few things to note if you are trying to find one today.

  • It can only be charged using the supplied dock.
  • The headphone connector is unique. You must use the supplied remote or 3.5mm adapter. (Same as the MZ-E10? Wiki page supporting claim)
  • It has a battery shut-off switch inside of the disc bay.
  • Internal rechargeable battery is removable/replaceable with just a driver. No full teardown is required.

Content adapted from: Sony Press Release Sony Press Release 2, Sony Japan Qualia 017 Page, Qualia 017 Page

Name Q017-MD1
Manufacturer Sony
Released 2004/06
Device type portable
Recorder Player
NetMD No
Hi-MD No
Radio No
Dimensions 91.4 x 79.0 x 15.3mm
Weight 244g
ATRAC ver Type-S
Battery notes
Sidecar (depr) No
Voltage 6
Power cable Center positive
Price (launch) $1 900
¥189 000
Outputs 3.5mm headphone

Sony Qualia 017

Sony Qualia 017

Sony Qualia 017

Sony Qualia 017

Sony Qualia 017

Sony Qualia 017

Sony Qualia 017

Sony Qualia 017

Sony Qualia 017

Sony Qualia 017

Sony Qualia 017

Sony Qualia 017 relate