Victor XM-E3

Brand : JVC

Optional component released alongside the UX-E3 component system (58,000 yen)

1. “Direct character input” is possible with the remote control

  •  It also supports katakana display by inputting romaji.

2. Includes remote control with full MD editing function (JOIN / DIVIDE / MOVE / ERASE / ALL ERASE)

3. “CD-MD synchronized recording” is possible by remote control with our micro component UX and FS series.

4. “Optical digital input terminal” that enables digital recording from a CD

5. Adopted a luxurious aluminum panel corresponding to the system development with “UX-E3”

Remote: rxm1030

Content adapted from: Victor Press Release

Name XM-E3
Manufacturer Victor
Released 1997/09
Device type deck
Recorder Recorder
NetMD No
Hi-MD No
Radio No
Battery notes
Sidecar (depr)
Voltage 100
Power cable
Price (launch)
¥53 000
Inputs RCA in, Digital optical (TOSLINK)
Outputs RCA out

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3

Victor XM-E3 relate